Sunday, November 11, 2012

Friendship Never End

I didnt talk to her , I just text her . And yeah , the unknown that asked me was right , I didnt talk to her . Hurm otteoke ? But our content in the message were good , it was as normal as before . Im glad that she started the conversation first . I replied it so so late because I was so sleepy and slept till the next morning . Then , she replied it very very late . I just like hurm , served me right . The next day we text each other like nothing happened . And so on . Around 8 pm she text me what colours I will wear to the Fatini's wedding , I just answered taktauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu , someone ruined my mood . She replied , lol okay . The  I replied baju turquoise ritu . Then got no reply after that . Our conversation stopped there . This is because of me . I'll wait for her reply next morning . I should stop now . Tata .

                                                                                                  To be continue   .    .    .

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Friendship never ends

Hai , yeah !

It has been a long time . Woo . 2012 is the most busy year to me . And I know 2013 will be the most most most busy year because of PMR . Yeah I do have a lot of stories in this year . Sad , Happy , Nice , Bad , The good one will be memories for me , and the bad one will be forget by me . Its 7/11 4:05 a.m . I miss her . Thats all I want to say . I MISS HER . Dont get wrong people , It is my bestfriend . Im not a songsang girl , InsyaAllah . I am on the right path . I didnt talk to her about a month , two days more it will be a month . So , this 8th of November school will end . I have to talk to her this 9th of November . But It was a school holiday , and It is not easy . I dont know what is wrong with me , but lately I just thinking about her for 24 hours . And I realized I should make a move first or thing will get worse . I dont know what to do . 

                                                                                                To be continued ....